Wednesday 18 January 2017

My Prayers

Dear Lord, we pray for all those people who have cancer. May they get better soon. Lord hear us.

Dear  Lord, we pray for the universal church. May the followers of God always be well and not sick. Lord hear us.

Dear Lord, we pray for all the people who were in the earthquake and the three people that died. Please look after their family. Keep them safe. Lord hear us.

Dear Lord, we pray for Olivia's family because their dad died. We pray that she will come back to school safely. Lord hear us.

Dear Lord, we pray for all the kids that are sick at school. Lord hear us.

They Love the Knight Life

My heart was pounding I was so nervous.
Last week was the 2016 production. Our school had been practising for a long time. It was held in the hall.
The girls were about to show off their super duper gymnastic skills and the music was about to start.
At first, the girls were sitting in front of the wide white stage curtains. They looked fantastic in their costumes.
"I’ve got this feeling inside my bones," the computer sang out loud.
I couldn’t help moving to the beat. It was my turn to show off my skills. I did a handstand then a cartwheel. I kept on moving and grooving to the beat until it was my turn to show off my  skills again. I didn’t know what to do this time so all I did was, well, I don’t know what it was called. It was like running up and doing the splits in the air.
"We have a song as well," said Piper, stopping our tricks.
"Do you want to hear it?" asked Kruz.
"Yes, please," responded King Arthur.
All the girls went and got their red black and gold shiny pom poms.
"River runs deep. River runs slow, Living in the land of the mighty Waikato," a bit of the song sang.
The song went slower and slower then stopped.
"I do like that song. Can you give me a copy," asked King Arthur.
I walked up to him and gave him a copy.
"Thank you" said King Arthur.
"You're welcome," I responded.
I felt really nervous for the production and also really excited but once I
got up on the stage and started moving and grooving, I felt better.
I can’t wait to do the production in 2 years time.

Alison Shanks

Today Alison Shanks came to our school. She showed us a countdown and she gets nervous when it starts counting down. I would get a bit nervous too, then she told us that you have to wear this very small outfit but it is very stretchy, and a smooth helmet so the wind will go straight past you and won't make the bike go slower. The wheels are also all covered so the bike doesn't go slower. 

She did want to become a Silver Fern but then she got sick of netball and moved onto going to the Olympics. She  won a gold medal. 

Jac had to put on the biking suit and the helmet. The helmet looked sharp.
If I went into the Olympics, I would do swimming.

How To Make Playdough

In the ancient time, people would roll play-dough on their wall to get rid of the dirt.
The exact play-dough recipe is a secret. Play-dough was invented way back in the 1930s.
What You Need:
Food colouring,
hot water,
a spoon
1 Get your bowl
2 Get your hot water and pour it in the bowl
3 Get your salt and pour it in the bowl
4 Get your spoon a stir well
5 Get your flour and put it in the bowl
6 last of all get your food colouring and put a little bit in.
Closing Statement:
Did you know play dough was accidentally made?
Play dough is a fun enjoyable game for all ages, maybe not babies. Do not swallow it.
Thank you for listening 

Touch and Netball

As we walked to Paterson Park, I could hear the trees whispering to me saying, "Try your best."
Yesterday, Rooms 4, 5 and 6 went to Paterson Park. I saw colourful bags filling the tent. The dirty court stood there like a grey blanket.
I stretched and ran a little bit to warm up. When I was on, I started like I was going to start  a running race. Piper passed the ball to me. I passed it to Kruz. She passed to Olivia. She went shoot. Oh, she missed. Oh no. It was the other team's ball but I leaped in front of my partner and got the ball. Ring, ring, ring, ring. It was the end of the game.
It wasn't as long as a normal game. We were on again. This team was good. We did get the ball but only for a few seconds. The team we were versing got about 3 or 4 goals and we got 0. 
Yay!  The sausages were out.
Drip, drop, drip, drop went the rain on to the ground. Ding, dong, ding, dong! It was time to go onto the court for prayers. There was a trophy for one school for good respect and for playing fair. We didn't get it but that doesn't matter, as long as I had fun.
I trudged back to school.